Unable to connect 4g (Network Manager not running)

As the title says i went ahead and update the OS apt update and apt upgrade etc. Now the problem is wifi stops working after the update. The only way to get wifi working again is Advance options in Raspi-config dhcpcd once enabled wifi will work again. Well the issue is network manager is not running now which 4g needs to be active. So the issue here is you cant have both active see my pics below.

I suggest that

flash the 4G ext. firmware

and switch to 9011

so that you don’t need network manager

you don’t need to create a gsm connection

just insert sim card and power on 4G extersion, with usb0 ,you are on 4G network automaticlly

Looks like i am going to have to go this route.

Are you able to start the networkmanager service with something like ‘sudo systemctl start networkmanager’ ? Or does it not agree with the 4g card being installed?

Well i decided to flash the 9011 firmware as 4g is so much esier to use here are my outputs i guess it was a sucess.

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I will try the 4g sim now in here tomorrow to busy watching latest Witchcer episodes:)

if you do that then wifi breaks…