The screen remains unlit after assembling the UConsole

After assembling the UConsole and powering it on, the screen doesn’t light up. I burned the image onto the SD card, and when I inserted it into the UConsole, the power button lit up green, but the screen remained unresponsive.

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What image did you use ?

The same happened to me when i tried to flash Raspberry Pi OS on my cm4 but unfortunately both screen and keyboard were not working…

I tried to flash Clockwork OS, it worked, but the uconsole was turning off after few minutes of use.

Finally I flashed Bookworm and it works perfectly.

You can find the bookworm thread here

and the os images in the drive below:

I downloaded the official image from GitHub. After I flashed the image, the screen flickered once when I turned on the device, and then it didn’t light up.

You do not have CM4 module with EMMC, don’t you? If so – it won’t boot from sd card

if no – you can try hdmi output.

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My CM4 is the Lite version. It seems like the core of my CM4 is faulty. A friend of mine sent me a good one, and it tested fine. I’ll give it another try once it arrives. If it still doesn’t work, it’s probably because the SD card model doesn’t match with the Uconsole. I’ll try a few different brands of SD cards to see if that resolves the issue.

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Sandisk high endurance cards would be one recommendation, I have a 256gb, v30 version in mine. Doing it again I’d probably buy a v30 a2 high endurance if I could find one. I’m not sure about the faster v60 cards, the interface might not be fast enough to use the faster, more expensive cards. I think the interface is roughly usb2 speeds.

Thank you, I have purchased one and will give it a try.

This is the one I bought about 2 years ago, I know it works in both Devterm and uConsole. The Max Endurance might also be good, but I’m not finding any that are A2 rated which has something to do with quicker file access in random read/write, these endurance cards are mostly designed for cameras that record sequentially.

[edit 2] a link to Jeff Geerling’s testing: Raspberry Pi microSD follow-up, SD Association fools me twice? | Jeff Geerling I think he did some videos on this too on YouTube