I just got my A04 yesterday, and it’s a wonderful piece of device. Then, I have mounted everything, updated the system and keyboard firmware according to email from Alex. I’ve even figured out to install obsidian. Everything went smoothly until the printer.
I have tried to print a test page. Then, the status of the printing job turned to ‘Held’. And I tried to release it again. It gives a notice about ‘the devterm printer may not be connected’. I have tried to reinstall the printer driver and cup driver. But, they are fine. I have tried to remount the printer unit. It gave me the same error message. Actually, this is exactly the same message that displayed while there isn’t any printer unit mounted.
Just wondering whether this could be a hardware problem maybe? the problem with the interface or the printer unit itself? or it just could be a driver issue? any thought?
does the usb’s on that side of the assembly work? if they don’t then I would suspect the board or the connection between the CPU main board and the extension board.
Well, it works fine. As the extension board has the type-c port, and I use it to charge. I can confirm both USB-A and C work just fine on the extension board. I haven’t tested the HDMI and audio interface though. So, is it possible for a broken interface for the printer? you know, the clip thing on the extension board. or the hard wire that connects to the printer unit. I just don’t have the work around to test it.
I’ve fixed the battery connector issue. It is flat and tight now.
Based on the debug method that you’ve provided. I haven’t received any log output. but, after ‘echo’ something, I have the test message printed, which means the printer is fine, right? However, it still cannot print in a normal way from a software or a test page from printer properties dialog.
First of all, I’ve read through the other post regarding the printing service. Well, it has mentioned something about the snap might suspend the printing service. So, I remove the snapd, which I don’t use in anyway.
And, now, the printer works whenever I do ‘echo’ from terminal.
I’ve checked the status of the printer program. It is there, running. So, I went back to print the test page, and it was still ‘Held’. Then, I discovered the message from the printing job attributes, which says: ‘unable to open serial port: permission denied’.
I know it is basic things. But I don’t have much experience on Linux. So, the devterm_thermal_printer.elf is running on root (says from the terminal output), and I assume that if I run any printing from GUI should be from current user, which is cpi? and then, do I need to obtain root access for this? or I can switch to root account to do everything?
Again, I know this might be a very fundamental thing in Linux. However, I’ve read through several things online and trying to figure out the user permission things on Linux. And, I’m pretty sure that I am still on the phase of trying to figure out the differences between su root and su - root. Haha. then, any help? Thanx.
Well, as for the result, my printer came back eventually.
socat is running, that is confirmed.
My printer’s property setting is exactly the same as yours, and it didn’t work. So, I tried to re-install the printer package anyway.
Then, I couldn’t connect the GitHub services. I discovered this after I had removed the printer. It leaves me no choice to reflash the card, which reminds me that I couldn’t update system core and keyboard firmware via terminal as the GitHub is inaccessible here. (I can login to the GitHub website via browser. But barely, it has to be refreshed multiple times. And I did the keyboard firmware updating via manually download and a thumb drive. )
After I’ve re-flash the card, magically, everything turned out to be normal. The printer goes well, and I have printed lots of things now.
Seriously, I don’t know what happened. But I’m glad it ‘solved’ finally.
Here is my difficulty:
Using GitHub is extremely painful in my place. I cannot access the game warehouse from my GameShell as well. It is a network issue, which is causing me trouble with nearly everything that I meant to use, such as GitHub, any google services, latex updating, Pinterest, steam, etc. I understand that a ‘ladder’ could fix it. But it’s not an option here as it will affect everything related to my work. Anyway, I may need to figure out some compromise in the future.
Now my printer quit working too … is this contagious? doing the uninstall / re-install process now… re-install process did not work as well - I may shut down devTerm remove the batteries and check cables - I do not want to reflash - I have dozens of applications loaded and hours spent installing things… if the printer quit working I’ll wait to this gets figured out…
okay printer diagnostics indicates this is a serial port permission that is denied. .
I have the exact issue on my A04 and it’s been driving me a little nuts. Have reseated my cable, checked forums etc multiple times to no avail too. Hopefully there’s a fix or something at some point.
okay I can cat [filename] >/tmp/DEVTERM_PRINTER_IN and the file list out in small font…on the thermal printer!! so I’m guessing now it is an issue with Mousepad using the printer… will check notepadQQ…
NotepadQQ has the error - so I can print through the command line but not from programs - could this be a program permissions issue?
My problem started when I attempted to print straight from Mozzilla Thunderbird and it seems to have locked up…
print from chrome does the same thing as Mousepad - print job ends up in Hold on the print job status any attempts to run the print job produce the same error.