Ubuntu 22.04.4 for uConsole CM4 (flashable .xz image)

The image is standard Ubuntu for Pi, 22.04.5, with other kernel.

Indeed, 24.04 fails during set up (Wifi fails to set up during to a failing systemd service on first boot).

That’s why I have not provided a distro of that release.

You can also change the gobernor in the up right corner once logged in

Yep I noticed that you can switch between Power Saver and Balanced… I think the Performance profile missing might be a bug in the powerprofilesctl tool, because it seems like you can’t use performance on a regular pi either.

First things first, thank you for the Ubuntu image.

I currently use the Non-LowPower variant.
I have the same problem with frequency scaling like others here.
I also tried to change the power plan via GUI. But the governor does not change.
Once I set it to ondemand via terminal in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor, then there is frequency variation. But after reboot it reverts back to powersave even when I clearly had selected Balanced in the GUI the whole time.
Is there a script, that (re)sets the governor on boot?
It would be great if the GUI setting would set ondemand while the powerplan is at Balanced and powersave while the powerplan ist at Powersave and ideal if this would be honoured after reboot.

Furthermore, I would like to ask what the difference between the LowPower and the Non-LowPower version is. Which settings are affected and how?

Thank you in advance for your answer and a possible solution.

I have complementary questions regarding the image.
In the Debian Image for uConsole , there is an apt repository for the additional stuff and kernel.
How will the kernel be updated in the Ubuntu image? Is there an automated way?
Currently this is a custom kernel with no upstream support I assume, therefore the are no updates via Ubuntu standard repositories, is that correct?
Could one integrate the same repository used in the Debian image in your image?
What do you recommend or do you have plans regarding this issue?

I created a workaround via cron by adding the following:

@reboot echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor

This can be done via

sudo crontab -e

and seems to working fine for me so far.

Has anyone created an IMG file ? For those who are not good at compiling kernels? What doesn’t work?