Hi, everyone!
I have tailored a script to build an Ubuntu image for the uConsole, CM4 variant. I made it using the kernel provided by @ak-rex, which already does incorporate the drivers for it.
The script is just in case you want to cook the image by yourselves. It takes around 2h30m and 3 hours to complete.
(Just the Ubuntu image is tested, for the moment. You all are very welcome to try and finish the Debian and the Armbian build)
With this script, I have built this Ubuntu 22.04 image, which is what I daily use:
The script should work for Debian and Armbian too, but I haven’t tested a build, yet.
Love the Ubuntu image. I seem to be having really laggy performance on several different SD cards.
Fix for sound: speakers no longer popping during shutdown.
Download and install this package:
# dpkg -i uconsole-cm4-gpio.deb
Any chance you will be adding support for manjaro ?
Nope, sorry.
But theorically you just need to compile a kernel with the drivers provided by Clockworkpi, or use ak-rex kernel, if it suits your distro. Then you install the kernel packages in a distro that already supports CM4.
You can check the build script to get an idea of how to do so.
Best wishes.
You can try some things:
- Perhaps you gpio package is outdated. Generate a new one with the script provided in this thread.
- Try to disable swap and zram if enabled, your SD card may be trashing.
- Try a different desktop environment than Unity. Supposedly lightweight environments as LXDE, XFCE4, etc can help. Personally, I use Gnome.
Try to recompile the kernel. The kernel provided in the distro is compiled with the default settings of ak-rex. I found some tweaks could be done, as:
- enable CPU frequency ladder
- enable light power comsumption (for GPU, CPU, PCI, …)
- enable suspend to disk
- optimice work queue for low power devices (is a menuconfig option)
I will release, soon, another version, of the same Ubuntu 22.04, with an updated kernel, and with the gpio package installed, this time configured aiming to enhance battery duration (which are my personal needs).
Also I have ordered a device that can operate as SDR and I hope I could compile some utilities for my distro.