hej all!
i wanted to make a top-level thread for all uconsole images that have been made so far.
having seen updates on kali images being published soon, may i suggest to post all images w/ drivers in this thread. thanks!
hej all!
i wanted to make a top-level thread for all uconsole images that have been made so far.
having seen updates on kali images being published soon, may i suggest to post all images w/ drivers in this thread. thanks!
i’ll periodically come back to this post and edit it.
kali image: Kali image for Uconsole is here! - #4 by guu
known issues: none so far
known issues: battery drain, wifi issues
fixes: will update tomorrow
…Not to rain on your parade. But did you know we already have a post about this? This isn’t Reddit.
thanks for linking to more useful post!
(i’m not on reddit, so i wouldn’t know)