I thought about going this route, but the passive cooler does enough as-in. Plus it’s 5mm of working space over top the CPU. Finding off the shelf parts that will fit that and the angle and stretch to reach the expansion port will be hard, and you might as well contact a parts fabricator for any kind of professional solution. I have no desire to do this, nor does it really need active cooling.
But you’re welcome to try. I think it’s a good lesson on build tolerance, thermal conductivity, PCB design, and fabrication. I’d love to see it exist.
Hey @Vitaly i have one more question before buying the uhub, with the internal usb connector, how would i get from a ffc/fpc connector to a usb (any is fine)? Having some trouble finding one that is 10pin, all i can se are 20 pin ones
Edit: just answer my own question just by scrolling up would the ffc to usbA board be included with the uhub
@Vitaly That’s cool, what’s the failure rate you have on them and are you able to fix all or some? Do you populate the boards yourself or have the pcb company?
For the last batch failure rate is about 10%, but luckily all of failures are simple to fix. Small TVS diodes sometime not soldered properly, one touch with soldering iron is enough to fix it.
I use jlcpcb PCBA service for hHub and uPico.
Wooooo order my uhub finally, @Vitaly is there still any of those internal usb parts available, i mentioned it in my notes with the order but feel like its best to find out straight from you
Hi Vitaly, Have you solved the shipping issue to the UK? I was waiting to hear from you but have decided to put in another order in the hope the issue is fixed. If you still can’t ship to the UK i’m guessing it will just get returned to you again and i’ll get refunded.
I read your post further up the page. Unfortunately, as I was trying to point out even further up the page, Just because it says they are shipped to the UK doesn’t mean they are able to be shipped. When I ordered the first time It said exactly what it does now but when Vitaly actually tried to send them they were returned. I’m still not sure if he has solved the (presumably customs) issue.
Fingers crossed it works out for you as well. Last time I ordered it was for the UPico and Uhub with the extra connectors and it ended up costing me money as the exchange rate changed (as it always does) between paying and getting refunded and left me out of pocket.
Awesome News!!! I’ve been told my uConsole is “1 batch away” (I’ll only believe it when it’s in my hands though ) So will be looking forward to getting it.