Here’s that quad-copter. It was a CM4, mag/imu/baro/gps, and custom Ardupilot build. I took a snap of that MIPI connector under a lens. And yes, it broke it’s leg on the first bump test ha.
Why am i so damn hungry! i need some snacks… NOM NOM NOM…
Alex came through with the CM4 adapter schematic: uConsole/clockwork_Adapter_CM4_Schematic.pdf at master · clockworkpi/uConsole · GitHub
It appears that uConsole has arrived for several mainland China customers. This is great news, as I had almost lost hope.
I hope that international customers like me will be notified of their shipment soon.
Welp, here’s the REV: - board I sent to the fab.
Dropped the 2nd camera and added the proto area back in. I2C is available on the GPIO breakout, so you can add sensors and whatnot to the proto area.
Clearance on the USB jacks is probably going to be an issue. I didn’t realize that the USB connectors on the other side were mid-mount style. I saw that after I sent it off to OshPark while looking at those ‘first-look’ images that were posted last week.
The UNVERIFIED design GitHub - 57Bravo/uConsole_Ext_IO_Breakout: uConsole External I/O Breakout
I don’t recommend that you order any until I stuff and test the boards. I should have them back from OshPark the week of the 17th. I’ll let you know how it works out.
evidently the speakers patch through the non cell/cell board as well - it will be so helpful to see the schematics - but I think the DevTerm drove the speakers on the aux board as well… I appreciate your efforts!!!
Ah, I see what you’re saying. Those were to breakout internal speakers, not headphones. I should have just put two JSTs in there to wire small speakers. With this and the mid mount finding, it sounds like REV A is in order before REV - even ships. Ha, not the first time.
I’m going to miss this hopeful banter with a slight seasoning of shear desperation … but units are going out the door - I’ve ordered an A06 unit - they went out first on the DevTerm - CM4’s and R-01’s are going out first batch this time… but I’m good - also checkout Discord … some folks are over there and it’s more light hearted - and some unboxing photos are showing up… besides I have a UniHiker and RT-Thead HMI to tinker with …
I got my Unihiker a few weeks ago, I haven’t turned it on but it looks like a good time. Do you have any programs or demos that you could link?
go to their site -
power it up - check the language option if you screw up it’s like option 7 or 8 that lets you change the language.
on a USB connection go to webpage: enable MQQT and Jupyter - also you can activate it on your home network. Have’nt figured the SSH out yet but I only worked a couple of hours Saturday on it… I want to wear it as a digital name tag at Hunstville Hamfest in August…
so far I’ve logged in and programmed using python Jupyter - the STEM program is graphical and requires a download… here is a doddle I did … (I’ll add navigation via touchscreen, a clock (using the built in library etc) over time)
-- coding: UTF-8 --
from unihiker import GUI, Audio # Importing the Audio modules from the unihiker library
import time
callsign = “callsign”
county = “location”
title = “volunteer title”
menu = “Menu”
item1 = “Clock”
item2 = “Audio Level”
item3 = “Communicate”
item4 = “Status”
item5 = “Event List”
item6 = “Bottled Water”
item7 = “In Case of Emerg.”
location = 20
gui = GUI()
#unihiker library text display
gui.draw_text(text= county,origin=“center”,x=120,y=location + 20,color=“#0066CC”)
gui.draw_text(text= menu ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 40,color=“#0066CC”)
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item1 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 60,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item2 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 80,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item3 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 100,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item4 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 120,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item5 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 140,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item6 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 160,color=”#0066CC")
gui.draw_text(text= “ " + item7 ,origin=“left”,x=20,y=location + 180,color=”#0066CC")
while True:
#Keep program running
Excellent, thank you very much! I’m going to check this out right now.
My beepberry shipped, arrives tomorrow a month early. Hong Kong to USA, four days via FedEx. Let the fun begin!
Speakers are now JSTs. Added QWIIC headers and TTL UART. USBs converted to mid mounts.
I christen ye … 58 bravo!!!
I ordered one too!!! (with a zero … ) I dislike the shipping tracking method … no word yet.
Check your original beepberry order email. Mine had a “check your order status” button in it. Their website started showing weird changes and I was worry they closed their doors for some reason. I opened the email to lookup contact info and clicked that button. And boom, it already shipped without any sort of “it’s shipped” email. Maybe yours did as well.
I have the 3d printed case in hand - it was printed on recycled water bottle black filament so it is very glossy . Mounting holes will need to be drilled out slightly on the back and I’ll heat the screws and pre-thread them into the holes before assembly - (I don’t have a tap that small)
Fyi - CPI pushed the 4g CCA schematic.
On which discord are you? I’m not seeing any pics on discord…