So, you read about the uConsole and you decided to get one.
Lemme tell you, it’s a fun device! Doesn’t matter if you want it for heavy nerding or just to do some light coding or learn linux. It’s fun! You made a good choice and you will be happy once the device arrives…
When the device arrives…
Here is the thing: the uConsole DOES NOT deliver in 90 business days. Or if it does, it’s a very specific configuration. Why does this happen? You might ask.
Alex has explained in different topics what happened, so I will not try to re-explain that, but the thing is: The site still says 90 days and people still gets confused and gets upset because they feel they’be been scammed.
Truth is, the uConsoles just take a long time to ship. Between 3 to 12 months (based on recent updates of this thread: Highest order number that received the shipment notice - uConsole - clockworkpi)
So, I am making this thread in order to help you decide your configuration (if you haven’t ordered) or ask for a change/[cancel and reorder] or at least give you a bit of peace of mind and know what to expect if you already placed your order.
- It’s advisable to avoid the black version, since it adds about 3 months to your order despite the rest ofthe configuration
- Unless you really need 4g, got for the WiFi only version since this board adds about 1 month to your order.
- It might be better if you buy the No-Core version and purchase the CM4 somewhere else. Buy a Compute Module 4 – Raspberry Pi Just remember to get the WiFi + No-eMMC version (4 or 8 gigs) since getting one with eMMC will make give you a hard time before you can make it work. (Read: uConsole with 8GB RAM/ 32GB EMMC - uConsole - clockworkpi and EMMC experiments - uConsole - clockworkpi)
So, we end up with something like this
a). A Silver, NoCore, WiFi Only ships in in average: 3 Months
b). Black chassis adds in average 2 months to a).
c). Core adds in average 5 months to a).
d). 4G adds 1 months
So, a fully featured black uConsole might take up to 12 months to ship, but you will have everything out of the box
A bare bones uConsole (No Core, No 4G, silver chassis) will ship in 3-4 months and you can purchase the core, and the SDCard elsewhere and basically have your (complete) device in 3-5 months.
Also, and this is very important, ORDERS ARE NOT SHIPPED IN ORDER (that sounds funny)
This is because it deppends on the configuration. If order 00001 has a fully featured uConsole and order 00035 is a bare bones uConsole, there is a HIGH chance for the later to ship before the former. This is because availability of components and the anodization of the chassis.
Also, I would suggest to write Alex only if your order has exceeded the expected shipping time mentioned in this thread. Patience is the name of the game. and do not get your hopes high if he says yours will ship in next batch.
My guess is that, numerically, one’s order should theoretically ship in X months based on the order number and the ability to dispatch some 500 units per month: “Oh, I have order #501 so mine should ship next month” … but in reality, as mentioned before, it depends on the availability of the pieces of the unit you ordered. Again, if you ordered a black unit, prepare to wait and see people with the same specs but silver chassis getting their uConsole way before you.
In summary, (TL;DR)
I present you a thable with a combination of times based on the afore mentioned google sheet and posts from people in this forum.
Add some margin of error because some people were lucky and got their devices in 2 months (bare bones config) and others got theirs in 15 months (full extras) I used an simple average formula and didn’t take into account all posts (some people claim they waited 2 years, but that was during the pandemic) I also ignored most entries for 2022 and before because those were wild, the Black+NoCore+4G ships in average in 6-7 months but for the 2022 people it shipped in up to 15 months without the CM4
REMEMBER, NO eMMC and YES WiFi if you buy the CM4 Module elsewhere. Go for the 8 gigs, it doesn’t hurt to have more RAM
Anyway, I hope this helps you one way or another.
Cheers, have patience and buy smart.
Remember. NO eMMC, YES WiFi on your CM4