Bookworm 6.1.21 DevTerm/uConsole

And here is the diff compared to rpi-6.1.y for anyone curious. It’s 6 commits currently.

Hi guys,

I’ve updated the repo and uploaded the .config file. Nothing much going on there, as I mentioned in the Arch thread, but at least I can provide a complete config file instead of just deltas.


Brightness controls also work in Gnome with no configuration.

After I installed ‘brightnessctl’ I added

repeatable_binding_light_up = KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP
command_light_up = brightnessctl s +1
repeatable_binding_light_down = KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN
command_light_down = brightnessctl s 1-

to the [command] section of “/.config/wayfire.ini” and now the brightness keys work.


+1 for brightnessctl. I used the same package for controlling brightness in Sway.

Everything is working great here with this image. I’ve also tried Gnome-Shell (wayland), KDE (wayland) and Cinnamon (X). Brightness works directly on those. Also, surprisingly, I didn’t notice real slow down with them vs Wayfire (on CM4 4GB).
Quick note: if you want to bring the uConsole out with you, I remind you that there is no encryption done on this image. On mine, I simply shrinked the root part, created a ext4 /home part and encrypted it with cryptsetup/dm-crypt. Works great.

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Regarding personal data encryption I would suggest using fscrypt for home folder.
Something like here: Encrypting 🔐 a Home 🏡 in Raspberry Pi
It could be easier to setup and better than having separate partition (in case of small sdcard/emmc).

Powertop doesn’t show wattage estimates on this image (but does on the official uconsole image) - what am I missing? lm-sensors is installed.

I’ve made a repack of @yatli 's kernel into .deb for uconsole cm4, resembling clockwork uconsole-kernel-cm4-rpi package. It is available here, togher with the repack script: uc/kernel at main · u0d7i/uc · GitHub