[frontend] Ludo is a minimalist frontend for emulators

While watching the news for the lakka project https://www.lakka.tv/ (frontend distro based on libretro) the article https://www.lakka.tv/articles/2019/08/22/team-update/ mentions the Ludo project which aims to provide a lightweight go-based launcher for libretro.


As you can see in the URL the project is part of the libretro family, and since libretro is quite heavily used in gameshell (yeah :tada:) this might be of interest as a frontend or alternative launcher for the gameshell.

The minialist approach might fit the resolution requirements of the gameshell out of the box !?

For those following there is already some go developement going on in gameshell with https://github.com/clockworkpi/launchergo as an alternative to the python based launcher (current default)


golang rocks!

but the ludo uses opengl , which is quiet heavy for a launcher in gameshell

I donโ€™t understand why use opengl instead of SDL

Ludo is still actively maintained, v0.12.0 has been released in septembre https://github.com/libretro/ludo/releases

I was hoping to try to compile in on my gameshell, but being on stretch (even with golang from stretch-backports I canโ€™t compile it).

Iโ€™ll have to try out the debian buster image [OS] RetroArch - Debian OS image based on the minimal Debian (u-boot, kernel, and Debian from scratch) [v0.3] created by @Joao_Manoel

@r043v if you have opengl working on your arch version, could go give it a try and tell us if it runs on the gameshell ?

@omgmog I see that you have a working setup with debian buster, could you give it a try ?

cannot test it right now latest version, but i already give it a try in the past
it worked fine but the font size was not configurable and with gs screen size it was just unreadable