GameShell stuck on loading screen after update

Ok, I got you! I had the same issue, saw your post. I sent in a ticket, but no response. Then, I just figured it out. This will wipe your roms. I rather it turn on than to be a dead brick while I figure out where my Linux machine is in order to save my games…

Issue: Go to settings, see update, update, and uh-oh, stuck in loading screen. Skip to *** for instructions on how to get to the SD card. I did something in addition that didn’t help, and my game shell didn’t turn on at all nor charge. Fret not, I finally figured out where that reset button is. It’s tiny, but it’s on the opposite end of the power side of the board (the hinge part). If you have no power because you did something, ***simply open the GS, pull out the 4 retainer white knobs to your work surface, put the + direction button aside, push the back of the GS where the main board module is and forward with care to the cable lines. This will expose enough room for you to see the SD card and that little reset button. Click the button. Insert your power micro-usb cable to see if it powers on. Push to click out the SD card - remember which way it faces.

So, here’s a Linux based installation: GameShell OS image files (v0.5) . It’s annoying because you find out that apt-get is Linux only, and that just requires more work if you don’t primarily use Linux.

If you have a regular laptop or desktop that runs Mac or Windows, just download the clockworkpi gameshell operating system:

Save it to your desktop or download folder. Make it easy.
You will need Etcher. This is an app. New users can only put 2 links… just type this into your favorite search engine etcher. The one I want to link says balena dot io slash etcher.
You will need an SD card reader. You may have an adapter. It works.
You will need to pay attention to your drives.
You will need to rebuild your game library with this method.

Link to use for the non-Linux method: Clockwork OS, Etcher

  1. Download the OS file
  2. Open your folder or file where you can see different drives.
    There’s your main one - DO NOT REWRITE OVER THIS.
    Then there’s the disks that pop up when you insert a disk/thumb drive/etc.
  3. Connect your SD card
    You may need an adapter or plug it straight into your laptop/desktop.
  4. NOTE/Remember the folder that just appeared in your group of drives.
    Eject then unplug if you forgot. Repeat step 1-2 until you are SURE.
  5. Open Etcher.
  6. Select the ‘image’ which is the OS file you downloaded in step 0.
  7. Target the ‘disk’ that will need to be flashed/reimaged.
  8. Confirm and wait. Make sure your computer device has battery - so keep it charged for now. It’s about a 10-15m wait time I think.

Reverse order of opening up and insert the SD card and close it back up.

It should reboot, it’s a bit slower, but the quality and aspect ratios have now improved! Too bad that your library is gone, but it boots up and you just rebuild your Roms.