HELP: Keyboard and trackball do not respond after kernel update

After doing update and rebooting, keyboard and track ball in my A06 stopped to work. Unit boots without any errors (that I was able to track)

The update I did:

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key del 57B7A98BBEBA8C10CA4458810DD08811478B1249
sudo apt update
sudo apt install devterm-kernel-current-cpi-a06

The keyboard works when connected to PC. Any tips what to do?

Unfortunately repluging did not help.

Keyboard works when connected to the windows pc via usb. Trackball acts strange and moves pointer out of the window (on windows os) no matter what direction I scroll

I know it will sound strange but after hours of checking things and dismounting I plugged usb mouse and restarted. They devterm keyboard started to work :thinking:

Similar thing here. After applying updates to the 21.08 image keyboard / trackball weren’t working. Rebooting didn’t help. However, fully shutting down and starting it back up did help.

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I had this happen. Power off, remove batteries, reinstall batteries and boot solved it for me.
