Just received my uConsole, now what?

I’ll receive mine in a few days so feel free to add your “first steps” or “things you should do right after starting your uConsole”

I’ve seen people saying “I installed this distro” or “I compiled this software” or “I modified this config” or even “I added this attachment to the case”

So even if I ask for things I should consider for my uConsole, I ask the seasoned users to think of this topic as a general “sort of troubleshoot” or “sort of list of improvements” that every new user should have in mind.

And it will be much appreciated if you can add links to source documentation, binaries, isos, pics or any reference material that could make the experience less frustrating.

Thanks in advance toneveryone who adds a drop of wisdom!

I did a write up on this just after I got mine.


This is awesome. Thank you for doing this.

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This is awesome. You rock!
Thank you very much.

How long did you have to wait from the time your ordered it?? I am waiting for mine to show up :confused:

Hey man, what’s up.
Do not lose faith. I placed my order on March 4 2024 and received the shipping notification on December 27 2024
Mine had almost all checks for the delay:
After the shipping confirmation, it took about a week to get to the US.
Now, I’m just waiting for the courier company I use to bring it to my country.

10 months seems to be well within the parameters based on what people has posted on the main shipping confirmation thread. A long wait, none the less.

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Thank you CJ, your time and effort are appreciated.

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