Let's play Shadow Warrior!

Have you followed the instructions?
Which GameShell image do you use?

Step 9 should result in this file:
/home/cpi/apps/Menu/Shadow Warrior/Shadow Warrior.sh

With the following content:

cd /home/cpi/games/ShadowWarrior
./sw -nosetup
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Thank you for replying, I’m currently on os image 0.4

Yes I followed the instructions and got sw.grp and music files and put them into the shadow warrior games folder

Then I made a shadow warrior directory in the apps menu, with the .sh file

And I’m using FileZilla

So is it working? If not, where are you stuck?

I just tested it on image 0.4. The instructions still seem to work.

Whenever I boot it it takes me to the home screen


If you use PuTTY, please type in this and gives us your exact output:

cd '/home/cpi/apps/Menu/Shadow Warrior'
DISPLAY=:0 './Shadow Warrior.sh' 


  • The sw file from the zip should be in the same folder as Sw.grp and the music files.
  • The music files should be in lowercase, e.g. track02.ogg
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I did exactly what you said, am I supposed to put that input onto the .sh file? And I put the sw file from the zip into the ShadowWarrior game directory. But it still boots me to the menu, and I’m using fbturbo

No, you are NOT supposed to put that into the .sh file.

If you log in into your GameShell from your PC with user cpi and password cpi you get a prompt:



Then you enter those two lines manually. That will result in an output text. You have to paste that output text in this forum to let us see what happened.

By the way, I am also using fbturbo.

I don’t use pc I use Mac, I use FileZilla.
I didn’t end up putting it in the .sh folder
This is what I have rn, @Oet

The files look okay. That is why we need to debug.

This is not done through (S)FTP, but with SSH.

If you have a terminal in Mac, you might login to your GameShell maybe this way:

ssh cpi@

Can you login to your GameShell’s IP that way to put it the two lines?

Yeah let me give it a try

Alright do I just redo the steps from here?

You enter these lines:

cd '/home/cpi/apps/Menu/Shadow Warrior'
DISPLAY=:0 './Shadow Warrior.sh' 

Then you paste the output to me.

By using FileZilla you might not have enough permissions, so change it:
chmod 755 /home/cpi/games/ShadowWarrior/sw

Then repeat the two steps and give again the output.


You are absolutely amazing thank you!

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Okay. It should also work from your menu now. If not, let me know.

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I’m getting used to the gameshell, I’m gonna try to get Blood to run, it’s on the same engine as shadow warrior, I’ll make a tutorial if I’m successful

So the “wrong file permissions” problem strikes again.
Maybe there should be an FAQ that says that whenever a program doesn’t start, the first thing to try is to give it permission to be executed. ^^

I got “NBlood” working a few months ago on the GameShell. That’s a Blood port based on eDuke32. Still have to write a user friendly tutorial though.

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Yes, I think wrong file permissions are pretty common if you send files to the GameShell instead of downloading them. :slight_smile: