Limiting the battery charging for using while charging?

For laptops I know how to slow down the charging of the battery, stop at 80% and start charging at 30% or 40%.

Is that possible on the uConsole?

And all in all, do I have to pay attention on something with the batteries?

Thanks in advance!

Not a direct answer to your question, but my understanding is that devices do this to protect the health of the batteries in the device. 18650’s are not that expensive, and the uConsole can even function without them, so I haven’t really been worried about pushing them to 100% or accidentally letting them drop to 0%.

So in my opinion, I don’t think you need to worry about it. I only care about this with other devices because it’s either really hard to replace the batteries (smartphones) or the replacements are expensive and inconvenient to get (laptops)

If you’re using it plugged in all the time, you could also just remove the batteries altogether.

Thank you, @Philip , very good thoughts.
And because of the slow charging I can decide myself to stop at around 80% and charge again at 20% if I want.

I travel a lot currently and do not have the possibility to just order new batteries easily, so I will pay attention on the lifetime.

The possibility to take out the batteries is also awesome.

Also, I heard of TLP and I’ll try it. It’s not just the need but I’m curious about it.

So, thank you!

Ok, so maybe I am being stupid here, but this device does encourage modding and hacking. It seems to me that one might be able to desolder the connectors on both the carrier board and the battery board, then solder them together with wires that are interrupted by a couple 4 pole switches that you mount through the back of the case somewhere. That way you could independently connect and disconnect each battery.