New system doesn't do anything after assembly. (CM4)

I’m looking for suggestions for a new system that doesn’t appear to do anything after assembly. Charged batteries and plugged in.

A couple of things that I’m not clear on from the instructions. What should the orientation of the CM4 be? does it only fit in one direction? What should the orientation of the speakers be?

Thanks for the answers to those questions any any advice you can offer.

There’s only one proper way to attach the CM4 to the adapter. Connect the module right side up to the adapter upside down. The adapter is upside down when the leads are on top. Connecting it the other way around causes the module to not align with the white border. And the system fails to boot at all.

If you search the forums, you may find a post that recommends the leads of the speakers be connected in alternate positions. This is supposedly so your speakers get stereo output. Attaching them in the same position means you get mono audio depending on the direction you attached them.

And what do you mean by the system not doing anything after assembly? Did your kit come with a microSD card? What OS are you running on?

It is possible to put the cm4 on backwards.

I have the complete kit including the microSD card. I followed the instructions for assembly with the only confusing bits being the orientation of the CM4 and the speakers. I’m going to check on the CM4 orientation now.

Correcting the orientation of the CM4 results that the power button now lights up when pressed and held; however, now the screen doesn’t light up. I’ll try taking it apart and ensuring that all of the parts are firmly seated.

Sadly still nothing. Next I’ll dig out a micro hdmi cable and see if the system boots with that.

Yutube has a lot of assembly videos to pick and watch the CM4 and speaker placement directions in the video. In addition, does the CM4 use the Lite version? It may take several minutes to load the extended file system for the first time after it is enabled, requiring patience.


Just a followup.
Thanks for the help. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and was able to resolve my issues.

  1. cm4 on slead backwards.
  2. video cable not inserted correctly.
  3. micro sd card not fully inserted.
    Thanks again for the assistance

After assembling the UConsole and powering it on, the screen doesn’t light up. I burned the image onto the SD card, and when I inserted it into the UConsole, the power button lit up green, but the screen remained unresponsive.

Try re-seating the display ribbon cable. If that doesn’t work, try using the external mini HDMI port to see if you get any video output at all.

That’s 3 strikes. You are now required to return your uConsole.