Replacement wifi antenna

Maybe someone here in the UK could help you, if not, I can send it to you.

I just published the updated version of the antenna holder (now that I have the uConsole in hands it is easier to make it better: Printables

I re-made the SDR holder, to be vertical, it is nice and tight and it holds the wrench.

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Noice ill still have to get mine first but maybe down the road ill probably be more comfortable with 3d printing

@hsavior I printed the v1.2 antenna holder and ended up gluing it together with CA and clamping it since I didn’t have the M2 inserts on hand. Working great so far with the modified cover!

This looks the best by far, any updates on this design?

This is the way I’m going to go. I found a 4 cm folding (3db) antena that neatly fits.

In the meantime, I had this (12 Euro) 5G dongle just sitting around …

Evil, but it works :slight_smile:

EDIT, yes, that’s 80% :slight_smile:


And today, this 6 Euro (including shipping) replacement (4cms + 20cm internal cable) get’s me 45% in the worst case. But the device now connects without issue and the data rates are fine for most purposes.

As a number of others here have, I just drilled out the existing expansion cover hole. I think I’ll move it to the back, though, as soon as I have time. I want to hack some other stuff into the expansion space.



…maybe you can use this:

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Hi all!
In my case, I just put a little piece of plastic between chassis and antenna, and the wifi signal has really improved. I went from 47% to 62%, even through walls! (“Measured” thanks to the xfce interface.)


I like this solution better than an element type antenna - I have sticky back foam tape that I’ll try - thanks!

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Heh. So, like, just like adjusting the large wire thing on top of the TV :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it turns out that adjusting an antenna is similar to adjusting an antenna.


I have also designed an external antenna mount. This is for those who are interested in a simple solution to mount an antenna on the uconsole.


I drilled holes in my uConsole…

potential first to drill holes in a device you waited a year for lol


I works for me, I don’t work for it lol

I may have only had it in hand a week, but I’ve been staring at it too long online to not already ideas for it.

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Hi, I am new to this, so do I need a specific type of antenna if I have Uconsole A-06. Which antenna do I order?

here we go, not exactly like your drawing but same mechanik and size: uconsole-micro-antenna-02-mount


WAouhh!! impressive! good job!

this seems perfect. could you share link to the exact antena?

here the amazon links to antenna and cable i used.

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