Retroarch cant bind inputs

If you’re talking about binding keys by selecting them, and trying to push the appropriate key, I think this is something to do with the arduino keyboard not technically being a HID device, but literally a keyboard. What’s strange is that in the menu, it still is referred to as a Retropad.

One “workaround” that I’ve been using is using the quick menu in RetroArch.
Assuming you’ve got a workable setup, and just want to remap keys;

  1. Load up a ROM that uses RetroArch, ie not a standalone emulator.
  2. Use your hotkey to enter the RetroArch menu. (shift + menu by default)
  3. You will be in the Quick Menu, which is different to the Main Menu. If not, hit your “back” button until you are at the root menu, then select it. Go to the bottom and select “CONTROLS” (You can completely customise this menu from “menu>settings>user interface>views>quick menu”)
  4. Go down the menu, and find the key you want to remap. Thankfully, you do this by scrolling left or right with the D-Pad; not the aforementioned key input/timeout method.
  5. Optional: Save the core remap file so that all games you use with the chosen emulator core will use the same key mapping. Eg, I prefer to set the “Y as B” and “B as A” for NES, GBA, GB etc. (Assuming you’re using SNES mapping)
  6. Alternatively you can also have it set on a per game basis. Great for some games that 100% require usage of the L/R light keys, but you prefer to keep your console slimline. I also have an alternative “90 degree” setup for when playing Gunbird on mame, where I have the screen in portrait orientation.
  7. As of 0.4, the included mame 2003 plus uses an analogue joystick input, and for the majority of games doesn’t work. We will need go change the control mapping to “digital”
  8. Enter the quick menu as mentioned above, and go into the “OPTIONS” for the mame core. If it’s not there, you’ll need go toggle it in the “user interface>views>quick menu” list.
  9. Change “control mapping” from analogue to digital. AFAIK, the majority of games in the 0.78 ROMset that mame 2003 plus uses doesn’t require an analogue stock, and get broken when analogue is enabled.
  10. I also changed the “input interface” to “simultaneous”