Retropie on uconsole

@Gromitt One last point in favour of Rex’s Retropie image: I find that the performance is significantly better when Retroarch is running directly on the framebuffer than inside a desktop environment. It was a larger improvement than I expected. I can run late-90s DOS games at fullspeed with lightweight CRT shaders.

Rex’s image doesn’t require any setup other than importing your ROMs and BIOS files. If you have a spare SD card I recommend giving it a try.

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I flashed the Retropie image but after i boot up my uconsole i get a blank screen nothing happens. Any ideas?

How long are you letting it boot for depending on the size of the SD it can take a minute to resize. You can also try redownloading the image.

I waited a good 5 minutes, the screen flashes then goes black and nothing. I used etcher on my mac to image it and then pi imager both gave same result.

i would try and redownload it.

Yeah I just need to know why none of the course are showing up I know how to find my wrongs I can see all my ROMs but I can’t load any because there’s no cars I go into the configuration and the updater installation thing it says all the cores are installed someone just said you can take a retropie image flash it to a card put it in the Clockwork and it’ll be fine but that was the first thing I tried and that did not work that is the entire reason I purchased this thing was to have a pocket console and to be able to attach it to a external monitor so I can play with friends that’s the only reason so if it just runs retropie that’s not even a problem I usually put that image on the card first and then install pixel or Kodi or the desktop environment through retropie but like I said when I tried that first I powered on the unit and I just got a black screen and nothingness

Ty guys

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hi guys where to find the actual version of retropiOs for the uconsole pls help cant find it

There’s… an “actual version”? You mean this one? The community build’s more smoking hot than the official release.

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I meant the actual version vor the uconsole I saw it somewhere but can’t find it :sob:
Ps I like your humor🤣

Or is the official retropi os work out of the box without any problems?

Here you go.

And seriously, learn to search next time.

As for the original RetroPie? Well, at least the HDMI should work. The ClockworkPi board isn’t exactly Raspberry Pi compliant, so drivers are gonna be a massive hurdle if you wanna DIY.

Super hot.
Now, the screen orientation is correct for a lot of things but some things when started are rotated 90 degrees.
What’s the trick to rotate the screen for a specific game or emulator on RetroPie?

Did you assemble a RetroPie by yourself? You may want to ask @Rex and/or @mikeschnier about that. I’ve only been answering based on information available in the forum – a trait severely lacking among users here.

I used the fine version Rex made.

If you didn’t change any settings then everything should be rotated the right way except the RetroArch menus, which cannot be rotated.

Which specific cores or packages are you referring to?

I will get back to working on it but so far it’s been only two ports but I don’t have all the cores running yet.

Hi I saw you all had stuff running on retropie that used a mouse. Just wondering if you got the trackball working in retropie?