I would love to be able to have the above code standardised. Alas, for now I have had to just fake it, having the custom fonts renamed to the pre-defined fonts in the skin_manager.py file.
Here’s a DEOT skin file that you should be able to apply on a stock 0.5 image, just by adding it to the skins folder. You’d be right in thinking that this is the same one I have applied to my custom DEOT images. I’ve just made them accessible for everyone.
The skin is the DEOT.zip file. Just decompress it, and put the DEOT folder in your skins directory.
Note: I have nothing to do with GCores, or the development of the DEOT OS.
Contained is a dark theme, more or less directly ripped from the DEOT custom theme. Due to the stock DEOT V1.0 being quite out dated, with no updates on the horizon, this is made to be a theme that owners of the custom DEOT Gameshell can apply to their more recent operating system, and have the majority of visual benefits applied. Of course, it can be used by owners of regular Gameshells as well, especially if you like a theme that is easy on the eyes.
This includes:
- All missing icons reworked to match the theme
- Customised fonts
- Splash screens and wallpapers
- Colour theme
- DEOT Style hexagonal icon holders
What it doesn’t have are the custom settings menus, for volume, brightness, and storage space. I have done a small modification of the stock settings menu items to at least give them the same overall colour tint as the rest of the skin.
The OpenTyrian and GSPLauncher icons have their own icon in the /apps/Menu/21_Indie Games directory that override any icons changes in the skins, so you’ll need to change that one manually. Likewise with DinguxCommander in the utilities directory.
It also doesn’t have the first and second boot screens, as these need to be compiled into the kernel.
Kernel compilation is something that I haven’t had time to delve into, not having an environment on hand that I can cross compile in, but is something I would be ever grateful if someone could help me with.
In particular with extracting the first and second boot images from the stock DEOT 0.4 boot image/kernel, and applying it to the stock 0.5 image; both in the 5.3.6 and 5.4.6 images.
If someone can help, I would be eternally grateful! I have provided the stock 0.5 and stock DEOT 0.4 boot image contents in the archive kernels.zip in the link above.
@guu @shell @r043v @Petrakis - and anyone else who can help!