So got this PSPi6 while i wait for my order

So yh got this pspi6 mod for the og (psp1000) psp. Basically its a switch of the original board which makes it compatible to raspberry pi zero (1 and 2) and the cm4 boards. Just installed mine yesterday and its a pretty cool device. Theres still some stuff that needs to be sorted out, only os available are lakka and pi os 32bit but should be more and maybe 64bit os in the future. Check out the website for details and buying it, the only ones out in the wild are early adopters (like me) and there should be a stock of new boards soon.

Fyi theres some videos on youtube


Just some build photos, dont mind the mess :sweat_smile:


That’s awesome, I always thought the PSP would make a great portable Linux PC back in the day with that pad and everything.

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Yh theres only mouse controls atm, joystick and left(x) and right(o) click but theres gonna be more like dpad, enter and backspace


Beta Pi OS 64bit (bullseye and bookworm) is out :rofl: so superfast

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