Speakers stopped working

If you don’t have a lot invested into that image, transfer over what you need and wipe it. I’m trying to get drivers and scripts current for kernel 6.6.y and a bookworm image for it. Stuff like raspi-gpio has been deprecated and is no longer used.

hate to resurrect a dead post, but i have a similar issue

i can temp fix the issue with the gpio command like the above did.

however it appears i have removed the repository that the devterm-audio-patch comes from and its not able to be installed.

im fairly certain reinstalling will fix it, does anyone happen to know how to readd that repository so that i can sudo apt-get install devterm-audio-patch ?

my only previous linux experience is with ubuntu so please be gentle with me

what distro are you on? The patch will be different depending on what you’re running.

its debian bookworm i believe.

it says debian 12 when it first boots

So it’s the one you downloaded from the forums?

If so:

wget -q -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ak-rex/ClockworkPi-apt/main/bookworm/KEY.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ak-rex.gpg

sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=arm64] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ak-rex/ClockworkPi-apt/main/bookworm stable main"


sudo apt install clockworkpi-audio-patch clockworkpi-audio-shutdown

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thank you so much, that got me going