uConsole Music Production

Hey sorry its been hella long but to get back to you on getting sunvox as an application instead of terminal. If you go into main menu>Preferences>main menu editor, this will give you full creativity to make whatever apps you like. All you need is either a terminal command pasted in there or a path to the app you want to launch eg: /home/pi/where-ever/application.file and the rest is just basic customisation. And btw just saying dont worry about messing up here and there, ive found that once youve realised a mistake you keep making and learn from it, you actually never forget it ever again and best of all these OS are a lot easier to start from scratch compared to windows or mac. And @Kirou is right about os, @rex has loads and ive tried some and they are nice and im planning on giving some arch based (manjaro, parrot) ones a go as a way to learn arch linux.

i thought i posted here but apparently didn’t. for the folks who are interested in orca, i have a fork of it with additional operators like scale, arpeggiator, midichord, bouncer (a very rudimentary lfo) etc. regular midicc op is also modified to accept hex digit values (so you can choose CC0 to CC127, therefore not bound by base36 of orca) and to battle “aliasing” (especially when using midicc and bouncer together) i even implemented a very primitive interpolation. it’s not the best optimized code (got lots of help from chatgpt since i’m not very experienced with C), but hey, it works!

oh, and i highly recommend using it on tty. it’s much more responsive compared to terminal. perhaps even within tmux to “color” it with themes

(currently i’m sequencing my sonicware liven ambient0 with it to compose generative pieces)