Uconsole turns off after few minutes of use

I have cm4 8b 32gb emmc, with Clockwork OS flashed on it (uConsole_CM4_v1.3g_64bit.img). Unfortunately it turns off after few minutes of use, no matter which type are batteries good or bad, it is the same.

What steps should I take to detect the issue and fix it ?

Do I need to flash another image to emmc ? Which are the stable ones ?

If you have links to the stable images please share with me, thank you !

@mterencelao Thank you for your supportiveness !

I created this topic to discuss the issue I mentioned in this post.

Here are the details about kernel

Find your favorite version of one of the images that Rex created, flash to EMMC, install and boot. Unless there is a hardware issue, they should just work. I’m using the Parrot Security image and it will stay on as long as I have the energy saver timers set to be on (never shut down on USB power and like 10 or 15 minutes battery). So far, so good.

I suggest finding the google drive link in this post:

The Mega link didn’t let me finish because it said I had run out of bandwidth. Parrot Home or Parrot Security were my two first choices, Security is mostly working fine with some update errors I need to look into. Bookworm would be pretty close to the Pi OS. Kali is a rolling release, I’ve broken that a few times on other machines so I didn’t want to go there on my new uConsole. And I don’t play games, so that OS was not for me.

@Greg_E Thank you for the details, I appreciate the information you provided.
Let me start with the Bookworm first. I will try out Parrot Security and Parrot Home next.

Will let you know about details a little bit later…

Well, bookworm performed well, 58 minutes of up time, and it was still running. The only time it turned was right after the image was flashed, during the first run. After charging it for from 18% up to 40% it started running more stable.

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When the Devterm came out, there were some problems with people trying to run it without batteries, adding batteries and letting it charge made things more stable. That might have been part of the issue.

I’m still not certain that Parrot was my best choice, but I’m going to try and live with it for a while before jumping to regular Debian. The only real issues I have are the ABXY keys, I need to get them programmed for mouse movement. I should probably try one of the replacement trackballs that people post about, mine works but my Devterm not so much. And I need to look into and figure out the update problems I mentioned previously.

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Running devterm without batteries sounds like having no idea why a car does not run, simply because of being out of fuel LOL. But in my case first it was bad fuel, and second unstable engine.

First I thought it was because of the battery quality, but I was not sure (they were unnamed, bought from random online shop). But after purchasing a good quality ones (LG, 3000mah, 20A at peak), I realized that it’s not the batteries, it’s the Clockwork OS, because the uconsole kept turning off after few minutes of use, no matter the charge level.

By the way, how are you going to program ABXY and what advantages does Parrot Security have over Bookworm ?

Parrot Security has many tools built in to save me from installing them, and it defaults to Mate desktop. Otherwise it’s Debian. I would expect the Parrot Home version to be pretty much Debian with Mate and maybe some tools that Parrot prefers over other distributions. Mate (Gnome 2) just feels right and was part of why I liked Open Solaris before Oracle killed it!

I think to change the ABXY we need to flash new firmware to the keyboard. I’m not sure on that though, need to research it and figure it out. In the keyboard firmware thread they mention switching between a “normal” mode and gamepad mode which is why I think it needs a firmware change. I haven’t had enough time to look into this yet, but it’s on my list.

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I understood your motivation for Parrot Security. I personally after a number of unsuccessful attempts to do something sensible using tools such as nmap, wireshark, etc. decided to give up on that idea. I tried to exploit my own router using routersploit but unfortunately, every single exploit I chose, had some issues…

You do a lot of pentesting I guess…

you can do it with qmk keyboard firmware.

or you can try some proxy software like GitHub - cyber-sushi/makima: Linux daemon to remap and create macros for keyboards, mice and controllers or xboxdrv

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