Wait shipping my order (#10961)

my order no shipped yet ?
in the website no have option for check the status of my order.
please i need information, my number order is #10961.


Your order will be shipped in this week or next week latest. Tracking number will be sent to you when it’s shipped.


ok i wait.
thanks my friend.

My order number is slightly lower than yours so I assume this week or next holds true for its shipment as well. Thanks for asking the question @badboyluc

To the clockworkpi team: May you could just post ranges to the forums of which order numbers are shipping or pending so that way we all have a bit clearer picture on when to expect the deliveries?

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Mine is like 900 lower than yours…I guess they’ll all ship at the same time more or less :+1:

My number is 10448. I hope we do get some sort of confirmation really soon. Waiting sucks


Yup, it sure does…
I hope to get it in time as I’m going away on the 6th of February and I’m sure I’ll need some time to understand how to add emulators and roms :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

Hello friends.
I am also waiting for my Gameshell (order # 10239) that I hope to receive next week. I would like to know if there is a tutorial in the forum for first steps to install everything necessary to start (RetroArch, for example, with its different cores). I hope it’s not too complicated and we can all be enjoying the machine in a very short time!
A greeting from Spain!

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How did you check your order number?

You can see the order number in the email you received when you paid the GameShell.

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Im trying to find the email in my inbox but cant seem to find it. Could you post the subject header?

The headar says “Thanks for shopping with us (#your order number)”
Just search for Clockwork among your emails.

I found it thank you!

I just opened dispute on paypal and I already received the refund.
Excessive delay for shipping, I am very disappointed with the service provided by Clockwork.
good luck to new buyers, they will need it.


I’m sorry. Last few days of shipping are always a bit messy.
We sent all orders (#<11176) to our shipping company for exporting procedures this week.
They should send you FedEx/DHL tracking numbers next week when packages start to move.


Thx for the news.
My order is 10312.
So im in the pack :wink:

Mine is #10033 and when I order clockwork PI, it has been said that mine will be shipped in December. I contacted early January for tracking number and they said they will provide the next week. Until now, I have not received a tracking number? My order number seems to be be far lower than the rest of tracking number mentioned here.

10924 I ordered it in the month of December. Anyone with the same order batch?

Mine is #10010… I think we are all in the same boat :ferry::blush:… Or maybe I should say ON the same boat… :see_no_evil:

Hahaha :speedboat::motor_boat::passenger_ship::ferry::ship::anchor: Hopefully will reach before month end