Glad we could all help.
On a side note, if anyone has been having trouble downloading the image from the google drive link from the OP (I can’t change the original post, since it’s now older than 1 month), I’ve provided some alternatives.
The image has kindly also been shared by other users in the forum, so try those as well; especially if you’re having trouble with download speeds, or regional firewalls etc.
@javelinface’s link: (includes both guu’s modified image, and the original one without an expansion script) and
@Wizz’s link: (Europe)
@guu’s link:!9AliFIJa!QTTiI_VCPiD009DcqMAPGUHhVcI6BW_WqNVZkyMuVPM
@shell‘s link: (China)
@CommanderKitler’s link: (Europe)
Alternative mirror of @CommanderKitler’s link:!U6IknSpS!gKR8linzvUA6GHLwWUGnu4b4pdgIpV-ZlxvpbQq9s3A
The file should be 2.96GB. I believe @Wizz’s private server link is great if you live in Europe. @Shell’s file is suitable for people who are downloading from China. The others are just the standard mega, google and dropbox locations. @CommanderKitler’s image is a customised image, testing out some features, but also breaking a few others - It’s a WIP, so only download it if you are interested in development etc. See the link for more info: Custom D.E.O.T. V1.0+/Clockwork OS v0.4 image - With Updated Kernel 5.3.6, Latest Lima Drivers, RA1.8.1, Mupen64+ and much more! (Current version: 191122)
Don’t forget that you need to decompress the *.bz2 file before writing it to an SD card. The image will need to reboot twice in order to expand the partition, so let it do it’s cycle the first time.
Some people who have had trouble have had to perform a fsck. Not everyone does, but just going to mention it here just in case.