Custom D.E.O.T. V2.0+/Clockwork OS v0.5 image - With customised DEOT interface, Kernel 5.7, Optional 1400MHz OC, Debian 10 Buster, Retroarch 1.9.0, Mupen64+ plus more! (Current build: 200903)

No worries!!! Thanks for the comment! It keeps me smiling and motivated. :slight_smile:
And ha we all gotta start somewhere!
I’m eventually going to make individual modules people can install with each change I’ve made, so you can install individual components without having to reflash your entire card. For now, here’s a link to a mupen script to get things running on your main card:

As for the dpad reconfiguration, the mupen config file is located in ~/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg
There will be a place you can scroll down to change the keybindings under “input player 1”
As for what to put in, you’ll possibly need to know the keycodes. I uploaded them all somewhere but can’t seem to find it! Never fear! You can get them yourself. Here’s how.

  1. SSH into your gameshell.
  2. Type export DISPLAY=:0
  3. Type xev
  4. Push the buttons that you want to get the key codes of, and make a note of it.
  5. Exit by pushing “ctrl + c”
  6. Edit the config file accordingly.

Oh haha I just realised. I would have already had the Gameshell dpad keycodes mapped! You could have just cut and paste them to wherever you want! Haha. Ah well, it’s also a good thing to know, so you can edit the rest of your keys.

There should be a way to make an individual script/action to load a specific config file for a specific game. Useful for times such as this. Either that, or a script to toggle different mupen configurations; similar time what I did with the kernel/clockspeed switch.

While I’m here! I want to also point out another thing I noticed re: some standalone emulators. Some of them now run ATROCIOUSLY! In particular, FCEUX and gpsp. Both of them have really janky v-sync and frame rates. FCEUX has audio sync problems. This is using 5.5.9 and 1400MHz. Possibly a clock sync issue. The audio issue was fixed just changing the audio quality down to 0 in FCEUX.

I didn’t notice these at first, since I usually use Retroarch. Likewise with PCSX, the Retroarch core handles scaling of text better than the PCSX standalone. But that’s just personal opinion. I actually prefer using Retroarch, where everything runs buttery smooth, but I know that many users insist on using standalones. They’re there for you to try out and fiddle with settings to make work better.

And please do! There are far too many games to test and too little time to do it in. It would be great if people could post and changes they have made to make things run smoother etc. I’m always testing and trying new things, and often overlook simple things.

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