Did anyone get Retroarch to work? How?

That’s what I thought I was doing when I installed bookworm you made a custom retropie image for it or Bookworm because I downloaded the most updated Bookworm image and I was told it would work I’m confused do you have a link or are you referring to bookworm cuz that’s what I’m running right now I’m not Forum Savvy or anything I don’t even think this is going to post because I think I’ve posted three times and it won’t let me post anymore but if you’re not talking about Bookworm and have a custom retropie image could you point me in the right direction pretty please thank you:-)

:point_up: this post has the link to the RetroPie distro I made for the uConsole :point_up:
just download and flash.

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The community Debian Bookworm image is a better Linux desktop environment than the outdated Debian image ClockworkPi provided.

But, for what you want, to use your uConsole as a handheld gaming device, you should install Rex’s Retropie distro for the uConsole. Follow the link Rex provided. Flash it to a SD card. It will work.

It didn’t exist when you were looking for help a month ago. It exists now.

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Omg ty so much please werk the computer gods tend to make things always very much harder for me than most alot of weird 1 offs and things others don’t have to deal with for the first time I built my bd790i and just threw my current drive into it turned it on and it just worked the only other device that did this was a raspberry everything else just explodes on me :laughing:

I’m just letting you know this is exactly what I did from the first time you told me to do this the image I’m currently using that was so hard to set up and I can’t find the cores even though it says they’re installed is this exact Bookworm package I’m re-downloading ill try again ty for your help

Don’t try to get it working with a desktop environment. There’s a lot of stuff you need to do to get it working. The easiest route for you to get retropie working is to use the RetroPie image that I’ve linked you too. The bookworm image can run retropie but takes a more advanced level of knowledge to get working.

Flash the image Clockworkpi-CM4-RetroPie-6.6.35, everything is configured out the box. If you can’t get that working, might I suggest one of these devices. https://anbernic.com/ Then just use your uConsole as a handheld computer.

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Rex has been helping me set this up I’m using bookworm I’m using the exact image he told me to use that should be all set up and good to go and it was not and after a day or two of finagling I got retropie installed I can open retropie I can go to the config and it says all the main cores are installed I can see all my ROMs if I go through the file browser but in the front end of retropie it says no cores are installed I’m super happy for everybody else that can seemingly get it to work with zero effort I don’t know why it’s not working as such for me I’m not the best linux user but I like to think I have a pretty good handle on it I’ve never had any ““major”” problems like this usually just fun little hiccups that take me a little bit to figure out and expand my knowledge. I guess this thing just doesn’t like me and it’s very uncooperative :woman_shrugging: and the whole dust collector thing was not coined by I it was from Reddit like a group of 1,000 people that are having the same issue where they all just gave up on trying to get it to work unfortunately. Some of who are still hitting me up to see if I ever figured it out which I 100% am going to go back and help out individually as you guys are doing the same for me.

Follow this, don’t use bookworm!!!

download this image and flash it to a sd card using raspberrypi imager. DO NOT APPLY CUSTOM SETTINGS.

Then insert the sd into the uConsole and let it boot and expand the filesystem it will reboot during this. After reboot, choose a username and password. Enter the command for your device at the prompt. sudo retropie-device uconsole that will set RetroPie up for the uConsole instead of the DevTerm, then reboot. You will be loaded into EmulationStation with almost all emulators and cores that will work on the CM4. You can remove your sd and instert it into a computer and load your roms into the roms folder in the home directory in ~/RetroPie/roms/ after you load some roms, eject the sd and insert into your uConsole.

This is it, don’t download bookworm, use the RetroPie in the link I just gave nothing else.

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I can see that you are trying to download: ClockworkPi-CM4-Bookworm-6.6.35.img.xz – This is not what Rex is recommending.

You want the image that looks like this: ClockworkPi-CM4-RetroPie-6.6.35.img.xz

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Oh my God thank you so much I am such a freaking idiot you know you know what’s gotten me like a hundred times is that one capital letter and a command line thank you I keep going to the link and it only showed the first two images because of my screen size I opened it differently this time and wouldn’t you know it thank you very much for pointing that out to me as I literally just reinstalled a redownload of the same image I originally downloaded which is not the retropie image

I really hope it just works this time I bet you it will fingers crossed hopefully I don’t get anything like this again i dont speak binareese but I’m pretty sure this thing is giving me the finger X-D

Everything appears to be working perfectly it says all the cores are installed none of the cores are showing up in retropie I’m assuming it’s because it doesn’t detect any of the ROMs I’m used to just hitting stand for media or pointing it to a Parent Directory where all the ROMs are and yes it’s organized exactly like it is in the wrongs folder of retropie but it’s on a 2 TB external USB drive which I’ve never had a problem with I plugged it in it’s always found all the games there where is the setting to change that because normally there’s like a USB enable setting that I just click and point it in the right direction I don’t know if it moved with the new build or whatnot I can’t find it in any of the configuration things I’m trying to use any ideas Gents?

you’ll need to change where the system looks for the roms /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg change the roms destination to your usb drive. I would suggest to just load the roms on to the sd card.

I would absolutely love to but it is 2 terabytes it’s every game ever made for every console from PlayStation 1 down Dreamcast GameCube PSP Playstation 1 NES Super NES vectrix I got 500,000 Commodore 64 programs all the old arcade cabinets from 1970 on Fairchild ColecoVision you get the gist Game Gear PC MSX and on all my other devices my home computer I have a 80 TB external hard drive setup with launch box but all my other raspberries my raspberry 400 my original raspberry the very first model that came out that one was a little tricky getting the USB storage to work but all the other ones I’ve just plugged it in pointed at it and it’s worked this is just being a little funky I’m sure I’ll get it but again it says all the chords are installed with the retropie image that just launches right into emulation station I got it set up perfect the controller works it does the whole sideway screen thing but you gave me the fix for that but it still doesn’t show any cores on the home screen I’m assuming it’s because it doesn’t see any ROMs so I’m working on it but I’m also at work so super ultra Mega appreciate every single thing you’ve done for me taking the time out of your day like I said if there’s anything I can do for anyway of donating or helping the cause you just let me know so I can feel that I’ve compensated you for the amount of time and hard work you have put into my problem because you have gone well out of your way to assist me and I appreciate that so much thank you:-) just getting the right field installed was just the whole game changer thing I’m super sorry I opened the link you said to download and there were two other distros there and I kept accidentally trying to figure it out with the wrong distro it was the 1.07 gig regular bookworm distro

correct no emulators will show unless there’s roms for them. just change the location from your home directory to your usb drive is this file and the emulators will show up with the roms.


If you want Retropie to automatically see what’s in the retropie-mount directory on your USB drive you need to install the usbromservice utility from the Optional packages in Retropie Setup.

@Rex this is similar to your suggestion but it handles mounting and configs.

I didn’t know that was a thing I’ll add that in and will be in the next release of my image.

Yeah, I believe it’s included by default in the official Retropie distro but it’s not hard to add.

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Yea sorry i work 7 days a week 12 hrs a day super sucks so im trying to set this up in between cars and customers and my smart phones now the smartest with voice to text my bad. Everything’s working perfectly I downloaded the proper image installed it I cannot get to my ROMs the drive is structured just like retropie cuz I use it on my raspberries and whatnot I can see it in the file browser but I cannot Direct retroarch to the USB drive I can’t find it when going through the directory set up to scan for it is not there it’s super weird I don’t know I’ll figure it out

Oh my God is that why I can see it in the file manager but I can’t Direct retroarch to the USB drive I have been looking for the USB service option in the retropie script and I thought I wasn’t seeing it because it’s automatically enabled which is normally the case with a standard raspberry now oh my God my head hurts I’ve been up for 4 hours trying to figure it out I was just about to ask because I’ve had this problem with the original raspberry the media you were mounting had to be formatted in fat32 not extended fat not NTFS I thought maybe that was the issue I didn’t even see his previous post about the USB enabler not being there okay so I’m just going to manually load on my favorite ROMs for now if you could let me know if you do update your image to handle USB devices please do let me know I didn’t even think that would have been a thing sorry to be a super pain in the ass