Guide to configure your own OS for uConsole-CM4

So i have made streamlined guide as a .txt file so that you can configure your own OS for uConsole CM4. I used what was on ClockworkPi’s github instructions (supplied in the github) but took out all that isnt needed for the uConsole which was originally for the Devterm. Made it easy to follow plus copy/paste-able so you can have it up next to your terminal when doing configurations. This is only a guide for debian-based (apt) OS but hopefully soon i might be creating one for different types in the future (me no know how other work yet).
Theres also a RPiOS bookworm (and lite version) image in the releases section which works and hopefully more to come in the future (working on kali, ubuntu, popos…). Link to the github is at top and please help if you can with letting me know about suggestions, errors, fixes or whatever really.

Using this guide on a RPiOS lite, you can install whatever desktop environment (and multiple) you like:

Happy configuring :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dude, you make my day !!! Thanks !

This is amazing, thank you! Now i just need to receive my uConsole!

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I tried out kali and ubuntu and both have some … issues, kali processes everything but screen doesnt pop up and ubuntu has some issues with installing packages. Hopefully both i can figure out soon and also if ubuntu solved than i can possibly apply it to other OS that is based on ubuntu.


Thank you Snoozer94 for doing this. You are amazing!

So from doing a little research online after failing a few times on other OS’s, i found that you could install a desktop from a raspberry pi lite OS. I originally thought this would only be restricted to PIXEL (raspberry pi official desktop setup) but i soon discovered that there is a plethora of desktop styles you can install. Ill let the guide take you through all of it aswell as have the link here and on the main first post.

@Snoozer94 Thanks for this post but you need to add more info, where do i enter there commands? On my main computer? on the uConsole? where?

If you are refering to the guide on sorting out your own os @anthonyb , then any linux terminal will do. I just did it on the uconsole with the os provided but any is fine. I do have a image for pi os bookworm that was updated straight from the os clockwork pi supplies (as well as the games/settings etc) as well as someone else on here has an up to date kernel version (might be a link in the github) but to let you know ubuntu (and other os) is difficult to deal with when trying to make it compatible. The guide is a slim down version of the 2 guides provided doing the same thing on both devterm and uconsole (just cutting out whats not needed) which are both referenced too (devterm first then uconsole to install and get rid of all the stuff the uconsole needs). Its pretty shakey what the supply too and some packages are miss spelled. If you make any progress on anything im sure the community will love to know.

I still don’t understand the instructions on the GitHub page :eyes: it would be better if there was an video or something like that​:sweat_smile:…
If there is some pls send link :heart:

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Tbh i wish there was a video too, ive just took out what wasnt needed from what clockworkpi supplied in both their guides (the devterm stuff) overall its hella confusing and some packages that need to be installed are mis spelled. Im no expert myself on the matter but i managed to get it to work with rpi os. I am planning to get it updated with the fixes that the community have implemented like battery chaging fixes and the like. Ive also released another rpi os image that is bookworm but not the most current kernel (another guy has made a more current kernel version). Im also looking into getting an ubuntu image sorted but the current guide doesnt seem to work on it. If you can give me more detail on what you find confusing, i (or someone else on here) might be able to help you at least get the idea on how it works so you can implement your own changes.