Only because your same issues were cross posted across numerous posts, I am just going to post your reply here, and realisation; for future readers who may come across these posts.
Could someone upload the DEOT to a torrent so ppl can actually download it without it being too big and windows blocking it and not scanning it and therefore it wnt complete the download
i finally realized its not even completing the dl just freezing and 0 b/s at the end… no wonder my images didnt work and i spent all that time on wifi power settings and flashing images
The same user above has made another thread, continuing the same problem as above. Here is the link, for future people following this thread.
Hey ive downloaded the DEOT images for 0.4 and 0.5 like 10 times and they arent working for me, idk why, theyre the right amount of bytes. It says google cant scan for viruses on all browsers when you download them, so they come blocked, maybe that has something to do with it.
The image i got towork was the official 0.5
So since that is just not working. im using the 0.5 gameshell official images which actually WORK and flash correctly . So i shjpould be able to install Mupen 64 using the scri…
They ended up resolving it, using Putty.
Okay, It appears ive got it working . After using PUTTY. it installed fine. so the problem was winscp being slow for dling packages( i think i had issues with it before) Anyway. I now started up Mario 64 and its working. Thanks for all the help …