Shows Invalid sign for Running N64 Roms

I restarted my gameshell due to some slight programming errors, now I am trying to run a N64 rom and a sign popped up saying invalid. anyone have any ideas how to fix it?

Did you ever have it working? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out of the box. You’ll need to install a bunch of dependencies. Just try restarting for now.

No not really I’ll restart the system and what exactly is a dependency, sorry brand new to this part

Mupen is kind of like a car; just without an engine or wheels. It can’t do much unless you install the engine and wheels. So basically, that’s what you need to do in order for it to work.

I wrote up a little tutorial on how to get it working.

If you’re new to a lot of things, I’ve got a custom OS that I’ve been maintaining. It’s got a lot of things that are tricky to set up pre made. It could be useful. I’ll be uploading a new update tomorrow.

I’m just going to take the liberty of continuing the discussion in the correct place.
This is in reply to your post here:

No, you don’t need go add that last line. That line was there to remove where I initially made a typo, saying to download the file to the wrong place. It has been fixed. :slight_smile:

In all seriousness though, if you are new to all of this, I strongly recommend using my custom image I mentioned before. It has basically everything I’ve ever helped anyone with pre-done for you. A lot of the things take a very long time, and are fairly complicated. If you do, let me know and I’ll upload an updated build with my latest fixes. Otherwise, you’ll end up needing to erase everything again when I do release it!

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lol cool thank you! I’m gonna sign off terminal and turn off and on the system and cross fingers to hope it works

You can do that by typing sudo reboot
You also shouldn’t need to restart after running that script.

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this literally just blew my mind! lol

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Ok I did the script the paste n everything and it stills showed up invalid. Am I doing something wrong?

Hmm, can you open up the action.config file? The one found in /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config

Also, just confirming. You didn’t run any of the code from the second post did you?

Try this as well:

sudo rm /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config
wget -O -rf /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config
sudo rm -r /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/
mkdir /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/ && wget -O -rf /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg

I’ve got to go to work now, but I’ll be back in about 7 hours.

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ok no problem, did you want me to open it via pc or device, if I need to do it on PC what application would I need to use on the Mac?

Edit: AH! I JUST REALISED I HAD A CARRIED OVER COPY PASTE ERROR! That will teach me to try and type accurate code on a mobile phone at work!
Every time I pasted in /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro \Games/mupen64plus/action.config it should have been /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config
A very subtle difference in the placement of the forward slash! Don’t worry, nothing would have gone wrong.

Just try doing this now:

sudo rm /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config
wget -O -rf /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config
sudo rm -r /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/
mkdir /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/ && wget -O -rf /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg

That should do the trick! :slight_smile:

If it doesn't work, try this

You can technically view it in whatever you use to type your code, using

sudo nano /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/mupen64plus/action.config

Otherwise, if you open DinguxCommander in Utilities on your gameshell, navigate to the location, and view the file. Just take a photo of the gameshell screen.
Alternatively, just try running that script. I have a feeling the action.config didn’t get updated for some reason.

Also, navigate to /usr/local/bin and tell me if a file called mupen64plus resides here.
If the script ran to completion, it should have correctly installed to here. If it hasn’t, let me know. We can work around it, just running it from /home/cpi/apps/emulators/. Apparently it doesn’t run as fast from here. It’s too minor of a difference for me to really tell to be honest.

right now I took a screenshot of what I see on the terminal on the game shell screen

the folder does not exist, just run the last line :

mkdir /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/ && wget -O -rf /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg

did it Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 1.12.15 PM

Does it work?
Try nano on the action.config again. If it has text in the terminal, then it should work.
If it still doesn’t, just run the second half of what you typed before, ie:

wget -O -rf /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg

Also, on your Mac, try doing a screenshot with command+shift+4, and selecting a smaller portion of your screen. :slight_smile:
If you want the whole window, hold command+shift+4+space.

what is the nano action again?
sorry for so many questions

This one.

All good re: the questions. Hopefully you’re learning while doing this too.

ok while I’m in the nano viewer what is it exactly I am looking for, I am looking at the folder and it says the Retro game for mupen64plus directory does not exist also when I was utilizing

Right, that’s what I was confirming: What exists, and what doesn’t.
(Could you possibly take a screenshot using CMD+SHIFT+4+SPACE and select the terminal window - I’m replying via my phone/iPad at work, and it’s hard to see it!|)

So somewhere along the line, the directory was removed, possibly in the confusion of looking at the amended post to the typo. So what we want to do is, make it again.

mkdir /home/cpi/.config/mupen64plus/

Now you can go ahead and run that script.

Although, hang on. I never actually included any instructions to remove the mupen64plus directory from the .config directory. I’m not sure if the initial script to install mupen64plus and its dependencies ever actually completed. It should have been made. Perhaps try running the initial script again.

wget -O /home/cpi/ && chmod +x /home/cpi/ && ./

Just reiterating a previous instruction:

A question. How much have you done with your current gameshell installation? Realistically, I think it might be easier if instead of trying to get this working, on a post by post basis, it might be easier to just download my pre built image with mupen64plus already installed. That and a whole bunch of other things that are updated, and equally as difficult for some people to do. It’s the D.E.O.T. v2+ image. I’ve mentioned it in this thread a few times.