Yesterday I tweaked a bit the source code of SDLPoP to make it playable to GameShell. Today I share you the instructions on how to download, compile and play Prince of Persia on your Gameshell, enjoy!
Yeah, PoP has been released for almost all major consoles so there are many flavors out there to try. This one is based on the disassembly of the original PoP released for MS-DOS.
Great icons, thanks @Nielsvd and @Oet! It seems that
suits better to the GameShell menu. I will add it to the repo and update the instructions to use it. Thanks both!
@Oet Apparently upon successful building the source code, only price and data/ are required, you can delete the rest directories and files to reserve space.
[slightly off topic] PoP is one of my all-time favorites. Used to play it to death (literally, in the character’s case!) back in the day on my 1040STFM. I would bring the machine to a friend’s house, and he had a 386SX; we would actually load the relevant file on the PC and hex-edit it trying to cheat, which we actually succeeded! I still have a hex dump printout from his dot matrix printer… Ah, the memories!
If it is publically available shareware (free), i’d say Yes… but i am not a legal expert. Perhaps including source reference in the write up so it is clear you are linking to an official source.
There are a few places where you can download legally the shareware version of Jazz. My intention is to provide a single zip containing everything to run the (shareware) game on GS without having to compile or download extras.
For the brave ones you can already clone my fork at GitHub - pleft/openjazz: OpenJazz and compile it yourselves. You will need to remap the buttons (up,down.left,right, enter, esc already work, you need to assign jump and shoot to any of A, B, X, Y) from inside the game (through “setup options”, choose keyboard and assign your keys).
This runs natively on GameShell and as far as I played yesterday night it runs great, fullspeed I would say.
I will try to map on shift/select buttons this functionality.