This is a tough one. I don’t know what your background knowledge is like re: linux and emulating, so I’ll just try and keep it fairly simple.
The reference to the N64 emulator in the games list doesn’t run as it is, and will need to have a lot of dependencies installed, your config file will need to be optimised to run games well, and potentially your action.config file will need to be modified to point to a different location to run the binary from. Ie, it will require a lot of fiddling.
Depending on a few factors, your starting point may vary.
First it would be great to know exactly where you’re coming from. If you’ve just turned on your Gameshell, and haven’t updated it, or attempted to follow any other instructions, we can start from scratch. Otherwise, we may need to cater things to where you got up to.
If you know what version of the Clockwork OS you’re using, that would be great. The N64 generally doesn’t run on any stock OS made earlier than 2020. By default the Gameshell comes with OS 0.4 which was made last year.
Regardless of which version you have, unless it is explicitly stated that it has been installed, you will need to run a few scripts in order to download the dependencies, modify some files, and update a config file. This is assuming you know how to SSH into your gameshell.
Here’s a link to some instructions:
If you want to save yourself some time, you can just download a pre made image with the emulator set up to work, and everything updated. That would involve having to completely wipe your gameshell, and lost any progress in games, or customisation you have made. Of course you can back them up, as long as you know where each file you want to keep is stored.
There are quite a few choices nowadays for custom OS choices. I have made one that is extremely beginner friendly, and has the N64 emulator set up.
Here is another one that has a lot of things set up, taking a much simpler approach.
And keep an eye out for this one that has recently started to make some huge leaps!